The Feral Shelter Program was started to address the problem of homeless cats without shelter from the elements, and to provide colony feeders and anyone caring for a homeless cat sturdy, differently-sized Styrofoam shelters to fit 1-4 cats, plastic tote shelters when available along with straw for the best insulation. These are available at no cost, although donations are always welcome.
feral shelter faq
Q:How do I contact the program?
A: Send an email to [email protected]
Please include your name, phone number and need. Your phone number is crucial, as we need to contact you to make an appointment to meet you. We are a volunteer organization, so schedules need to be coordinated. Since most people don’t answer unfamiliar phone numbers any more due to spam, you’ll be sent a text first with an introduction asking you to return the call. If you don’t have a cell phone, please indicate that in your email. You’ll usually get a response the same day, depending on what time the email is received. You won’t be called past 7pm unless requested.
Q:How do I get a shelter?
A:When we contact you, we’ll set up a time and date to meet you at our storage facility to pick out your shelters. You can have up to 3 at a time, although we may be able to work out something for exceptionally large colonies. We can make arrangements to meet with you on a weekday or weekend. The Styrofoam shelters and straw are free of charge, but donations are always welcome.
Q:Do you have tote shelters?
A: Yes, but we have a waiting list. If you’re interested, we can put your name on a list and whenever any are available it’s first come, first serve. There is a minimum donation of $35. Please email [email protected]
Q:Where is your storage area located?
A: Unfortunately we don’t have a business setup with a warehouse (one day!), so it is in a residential area with space donated by a generous volunteer. For that reason, the exact location is kept quiet until the appointment has been made and we’re certain you’ll be coming. It is located near Bandera Rd and Hwy 410 just outside the Loop.
If this is too far for you, under special circumstances we might be able to meet halfway, although it’s best for you to pick out your own shelters.
Q: What if I want to donate items?
A: Great! But if donating Styrofoam boxes, they need to have an interior measurement of at least 17 1/2” L x 14 ½” W x 14 ½” H. In addition, they should be in good condition and clean with any identifying address labels removed.
If donating at least 4 boxes or a special or large item, we can arrange to pick them up, but ask that you please include pictures of the items in your email so we can get a good look. There are times when things being offered aren’t going to work but we might be able to suggest another option. If you are able to deliver the items to us, that’s a big help.
Q:Once I know where you’re located, can I drop stuff off whenever?
A: In a word… NO! Well-meaning people in the past have left items that were not usable in the driveway in front of our storage area. This is not a dumping zone. Neither the owner nor the neighbors appreciated it, and the items had to be discarded in a dumpster. Even if you’ve donated before, make each contact as if it’s the first time.
Q:Once I know your phone number, can I call or text you the next time I need to contact you?
A: Here’s the thing: If you text someone and you aren’t in their contacts, they have no idea who you are if you text out of the blue. And because by having a copy of an email is the best way to keep records of everything and make sure you don’t get lost among personal texts, it’s best to always go that route unless we’re in current communication.
Q:If I make a donation, can I get a receipt?
A: Yes you can. If we forget to ask, ask us.
Q:Where does all your stuff come from?
A:Primarily, donations. The majority of our Styrofoam boxes come from different vendors such as medical clinics, businesses and veterinary hospitals. We prefer these boxes because they are sturdy, thick, larger than you get in the store and are meant for industrial use. We also get donations from the public who order food through companies like Omaha Steaks and NutriSystem and want a way to recycle them. Most of our straw is largely provided by a SAFCC volunteer who gets bales from a farm and delivers them to us a couple of times a year.
Q:Is Styrofoam waterproof?
A:No. The inexpensive type that’s used as coolers with very thin material wears down quickly. However, the industrial strength-type Styrofoam we are able to procure can last at least 3 years in winter weather. This comes from a feral shelter volunteer in Michigan who uses the same type boxes we do…and if it can last outside for 3 years in Michigan, it can last in Texas.
Q: Will you make me a tote if I provide the tote?
A: Yes! Just provide us with a Rubbermaid or Sterilite tote and we’ll do the rest for a minimum donation of $20.
Q. Can I purchase a bag of straw?
A: Yes, you can purchase a bag of straw for $1 a bag.
Q:What if I have more questions?
A:Contact Program Manager Robert Breeze at email [email protected] or contact the Helpline at (210)877-9067.