SAFCC Helpline 210-877-9067

San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition

About our work

The impact on the community

San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation that depends entirely on donations to sustain its operations. We appreciate every donation, no matter the amount. Every penny donated is used in some capacity to help feral and stray cats. All donations are fully tax-deductible.

 More about us

History & Brochures 

Our History since 2005

In the spring of 2004 a small group of people met in the Whole Foods break room and discussed the plight of outside cats in San Antonio. From that meeting, the San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition was born and became a non-profit corporation in September of that same year. On National Feral Cat Day, October 16th, 2004, SAFCC started its outreach campaign to educate the public about Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR). In September the following year, SAFCC received their tax-exempt status as a 501(c)(3).

Our Story

Over the Years



Spring – a small group met to discuss the situation with outside cats in San Antonio
September – Articles of Incorporation filed to create the San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition


Tax Exempt Status Granted

January – Bylaws adopted by first board of directors
September – Tax exempt status granted as a 501c3 corporation. TIN: 76-0766948
SAFCC contracted with the Gladys Harborth Animal Resource Center (GHRC) to fix feral cats.


TNR Workshops Begun

January – First monthly Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Workshop held to train the public
December – SAFCC and Purrfect Haven entered an agreement to do a pilot TNR Program of cats in Brackenridge Park and the Japanese Tea Garden
The SAFCC Helpline was initiated to provide information and education about TNR.
TruCatch traps were purchased for the Trap Loan Program


Critial Funding

San Antonio Area Foundation (SAAF) grant for $10,000 provided critical funding for the TNR Program and community outreach


Classes and Partnerships

TNR Classes were held 4 times a month
SAAF grant funded free S/N called the “Cat Nip Voucher Program”
90 adoptions occurred through our PetSmart partnership

First Newsletter & PetSmart Grant

SpaySA (previously GHRC) continued to be a subsidy partner
TNR Workshops trained 891 people
Trap Loan Program loaned 804 traps and sold 240
SAFCC joined Facebook
First Newsletter was sent out to our constant contact subscribers
PetSmart grant awarded $25,000 to fix cats in 78212 zip code


Adoption Program

TNR Workshops trained 655 people
Trap price increased to $70
Helpline responded to 1,950 calls
Adoption Program adopted out 58 cats
October 16th – National Feral Cat Day dinner with 60 attendees
December – Petco Adoption Partner application approved


SAAF Grant

May – $40,000 grant awarded from the San Antonio Area Foundation
Developed TNR Class Teams for training
Became a TruCatch distributor & our trap loan inventory was increased to 200
September – subsidy fee increased from $15 to $20 per cat


New Website and Subsidy Partners

March – new website launched
June – Cat Crisis Fund Program started to help with vet bills for sick and injured cats
July – added the San Antonio Humane Society, Animal Defense League & Hill Country Animal League as subsidy partners
TNR Class flyers translated into Spanish


10 Year Anniversary

January – attained Guidestar Gold status
February – a Trapper Team was started to help with a PetSmart Grant and continued due to its success
May 5th – won the small category organization of Big Give
July – the Feral Food Program starting helping colony caretakers who could not afford to buy cat food
October – 10 year anniversary celebration for National Feral Cat Day
Nov – 2010 Ford Transit van donated to us


PetSmart Grant

August – PetSmart grant awarded $30,000 for free S/N in zip code 78216
October – joined twitter


Trapper Team Program

July – Spanish message added to the Helpline voicemail message
August – Formalized the Trapper Team Program paying trappers $20 per cat for TNR


Feral Food Drive

Nov 10th – first Feral Food Drive held


SAFCC Spay/Neuter Clinic

September – SAFCC started their own S/N clinic in their new office doing half a day, fixing 30 cats, partnering with Dragonfly Vet Services


Full Day S/N Clinic

March – SAFCC’s S/N Clinic became a full day fixing up to 50 cats
October – trap price increased to $85


Eye Med & CCAP S/N Program

May – Terramycin Eye Med Program started
June – policy started to only service cats in Bexar County
June 27 – started a half day S/N clinic at our office to fix our CCAP cats & kittens


Website Redesign, Ancira Award

March – Feral Food Program placed on hold due to no one able to manage the program
April 22 – new website launched
May – SNAP became a subsidy partner
June – won the Ancira voting contest for Pet Category – $51,000
June 5 – Price for Big Boy traps increased to $115

Our Mission

To reduce the overpopulation of cats in the San Antonio area through public education, Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), rescue, and empowering the community to care for outside cats.

Our Vision

Our vision is to have a community where no kittens are born wild on the street, no cat capable of living in a home is lacking one, and no feral cats are wanting for food, water, and appropriate care and concern.

who supports us

Businesses Who Support Us

About our work

Programs & Services


SAFCC subsidizes every cat brought in by our trained trappers. We do this so the cost to the trapper is only $25 per cat. An additional fee of $25 is assessed for cats over 45 days pregnant. We pay this fee as well so as not to deter trappers from trapping cats that look pregnant. We currently subsidize the San Antonio Humane Society, SNAP (Spay Neuter Assistance Program) and the Animal Defense League. To receive this discounted rate, you must attend our TNR Class. 2023: 3,243 cats were supported with our subsidy program and our own spay/neuter clinic at a cost of $117,868.


Trap-Neuter-Return Class
Our online TNR Class is only 65 minutes and can be accessed via our Homepage.
We also offer an in-person class once a month, the 2nd Saturday from 12:00 – 1:30
at our office. No registration required. Once you have taken the class, you are eligible for free trap loans and low cost spay/neuter services. 2023: 1,282 people were trained.  

Advocacy is a big part of our mission. We welcome invitations to speak at HOA meetings, City Council Meetings, or any group that would like to know about TNR and how we can help. Public events provide an opportunity to distribute literature and inform the public.                                                                                                                        


Traps are loaned for free with a refundable deposit.  The class is a requirement as it teaches you how to safely trap cats – for them and you! There are “tricks of the trade” that are also shared in class which will help with difficult-to-trap cats. Pre and post op instructions are  given which ensures a successful recovery. There is a $85 deposit per trap which is refunded when the trap is returned clean. We accept cash or checks for deposit. The loan period is 2 weeks but an extension can be given up to 1 month. The limit is 3 traps per person. Traps can be obtained by calling our Helpline (below) New traps are available to purchase for $85.  As of June 5, 2023, Big Boy traps are now $115 due to increased shipping costs. 2023: 1,294 traps were loaned out and 87 traps were sold to do TNR.

HELPLINE (210) 877-9067

Our Helpline is dedicated to helping people with outside cat problems, questions, or issues. You can leave a message 24/7 and one of our volunteers will return your call. We make every effort to return calls within 24 hours. For this reason, it should not be used to report emergencies. We answer questions and refer callers to appropriate resources as needed. We are always looking for new Helpline Volunteers who share our same interest in helping outside cats and can spare 1/2 a day a week to call people back. Training provided! 2023: 8,346 calls were returned, averaging 695 calls per month.


We have a home-based foster program, that operates out of 5 Petco and 4 PetSmart stores, listed on the Adoption Page of this website. Kittens and friendly strays come from Helpline calls and TNR projects.  We are always looking for Petco volunteers and fosters. 2023: 1,566 cats and kittens were removed from the streets and placed for adoption. The cost to find get these felines ready for adoption was $184,152.


This fund is able to share the cost of vet care for sick or injured cats
found by Good Samaritans who cannot afford the cost to relieve a
cat’s suffering. 2023: $27,281 paid to help 291 cats.


The SAFCC Trapper Team is paid $20 per cat to TNR cats for those who are physically not able to trap themselves.  This includes recovery and handling any post-op complications. Trapper Team requests can be made through our Helpline or by Email. However, due to a shortage of trappers we are not able to do all requests. 2023: 3,657 cats were trapped by our Trapper Team that would not have been spayed or neutered!

Feral Shelter Program

The Feral Shelter Program was started to address the problem of homeless cats without shelter from the elements, and to provide colony feeders and anyone caring for a homeless cat sturdy, differently-sized Styrofoam shelters to fit 1-4 cats, along with straw for the best insulation. These are available at no cost, although donations are always welcome. Read more about our Feral Shelter Program.

Office Hours & Photo Galleries

Office Hours

Office Hours are 10:00am-12:00pm Every 2nd Saturday of the month

TNR in-person classes are 12:00 – 1:30pm Every 2nd Saturday of the month

To purchase a trap or buy a t-shirt, please call our helpline! 210-877-9067

Photo Galleries

View photos of our events. We’d love to see you soon! Come by and say “Hi!”

Meet the board

Board of Directors

Sherry Derdak


Monica Caballero

Vice President / Legal Advocate / Brack Cat Liaison

Kathy Jurgajtis


Megan Carr


Marte Kellogg

Trap Loan Coordinator

Rebecca Harriman

CCAP Program Director

Melissa Christman

Foster Coordinator

Sara Reyes

Communications Manager

Laura McDonald


Lucy Norton

Helpline Coordinator

Amy Oakley

Volunteer Director / Advocacy / ACS Liaison

Advisory board

Dr. Courtney Bridgeman, DVM

Dragonfly Veterinary Services

Diane Swanson

Database Manager

Leah Belanger

Community Cat Adoption Program Bookkeeper

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